Urdu poetry is a rich and expressive form of literary art originating from the Urdu language, which is primarily spoken in Pakistan and parts of India. It is known for its lyrical beauty, emotional depth, and philosophical insights. Urdu poetry is steeped in tradition and has evolved over centuries, blending influences from Persian, Arabic, Turkish, and Indian literary traditions.

احمدفراز ایک شعر

احمدفراز ایک شعر

نوٹ: یہ امیج پرانی یادیں ہیں!

Ahmed Faraz, Tum Takkaluf ko bhi ikhlaas samajhtey ho Faraz, Dost

خدا کرے کہ وہ

Khuda karey keh woh mera naseeb ho jaey, saif ahmed saif,
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